Setting up Ficus and making your first pull request

Adding a new project

The first step is to add a new project, which is how you tell Ficus where your files are and how they relate to each other. We’ll walk you through the whole process.

Creating your first pull request

Once you’ve added a project, you’re ready to make your first pull request. Ficus will:

  • Get your Figma variables
  • Convert those variables into token JSON
  • Open a pull request on GitHub of the changes you’ve made

A pull request is like a request for a review: "hey, I made some changes to the code and I would like to have them reviewed." Except in this case, Ficus writes the code for you!

Go back to the Ficus home page, and then select Create a pull request. That’s it! When Ficus is done, it will give you a link to the pull request that it created with your changes. The engineers who manage that repo will be notified that there are new changes to review.

What if I make a mistake?

Don’t worry: If you accidentally create a pull request that you don’t want, open it on GitHub using the link that Ficus gives you. There, you’ll see a "Close pull request" button. Just click that.

At this time it’s not possible to update an existing pull request with new changes after it’s been opened. Close the original pull request, and then use Ficus to create a new one.

What if it doesn’t work?

If you get an error message while creating the pull request, you’ll probably want to contact one of the engineers who works in that repo. Ficus won’t make any changes if it runs into trouble.


Once Ficus is set up, avoid changing the names of your variable collections or modes. But if you do, just let your engineer partner know so that they can update the ficus.json file accordingly, or otherwise Ficus won’t be able to find those variables anymore.